Will this work?


New Member
I currently have an Asus A7v333 Motherboard and I'm looking to upgrade my graphics card.

I'm wondering if the Radeon 9800PRO 256MB DDR Video card will work with my current motherboard. I don't think so because of the AGP Slots, could anyone please verify for me? I'm somewhat limited on cash but if it's not going to work, could anyone please recommend a mobo that will work.

Thanks in advance.
i dont see why it wont work...it has an AGP slot (its old but it should still be compatible) i suggest however getting a new mobo. why? cuz that one ur using it pretty old and it wont really benefit having a BRAND new card in there (unless of course you dont plan on playing new games and such.) even with that card u still have a slow board, slow ram (assuming ur using PC2700 which is max for that board) and i dont know how many mhz ur CPU is. but if ur set on getting a 9800 pro i dont see why it wont work...i cant find a site saying it WONT work.
Yea if you do decide to keep the mobo you have it wouldnt be worth splurging on that graphics card because it wouldnt be able to benefit you like it would in a dif mobo and cpu setup. If you are planning on staying with the mobo you have maybe get a cheaper card so your not wasting money on something you wont be able to benefit from. such as a radeon 8500 with 128mb or a 9200 with 128mb.
i dont see why it wont work...i cant find a site saying it WONT work.
Differing AGP specs will cause incompatibility however the A7V333 (i've got one) should be able to run the 98P fine :)

such as a radeon 8500 with 128mb or a 9200 with 128mb.
Whoa! 8500 is too archaic... lack of DX8.1 support and the 9200 has dismal DX9 support. I'd look more to a 9600 or a 5700. But even if you buy a 9800P its not that bad a choice;you can always upgrade the mobo at a later date and still have a nice video card to boot
Praetor said:
Whoa! 8500 is too archaic... lack of DX8.1 support and the 9200 has dismal DX9 support. I'd look more to a 9600 or a 5700. But even if you buy a 9800P its not that bad a choice;you can always upgrade the mobo at a later date and still have a nice video card to boot

i use DX9.0b on my 9200 card..seems to run ok. terrible card for benchmarking though...just terrible lol.
i use DX9.0b on my 9200 card..seems to run ok.
Yeah, well the card supports DX9 -- just like the GFX5200 supports DX9 -- but it supports DX9 poorly (rather, it supports it in a manner less than what would be expected)
Praetor said:
Yeah, well the card supports DX9 -- just like the GFX5200 supports DX9 -- but it supports DX9 poorly (rather, it supports it in a manner less than what would be expected)

yeah i know what you mean...i struggle gettin a decent score in 3dmark too. but at least it supports it lol. i was running it on my MX card and it was even worse.