will this work


New Member
I may be moving to an area that offers dial up or satellite and has mediocre cell phone reception. Theres no way I'm going back to dial up and satellite is expensive. I have a laptop and cingular service.

If I installed a cell phone signal booster in my house would that also increase the internet signal if I bought a cingular internet card for my laptop?

Once my laptop is connected to the internet, is it possible to hook a router up to my laptop to send the internet signal to my other computer or do the routers have to be hooked up to a modem?

Using a cell phone services wireless card will be really slow. Satellite would definately be faster but again, you have the high monthly bill.
I thought the wireless cards were pretty fast. I know a few people that have them and they had no complaints about speed. Are you sayin theyre slow in general or because I'll be trying to boost the signal?
I have a client that his only way of getting internet besides dial up was using ATT wireless. It took forever to get anywhere. download speed was only a couple kbytes higher than dial up. It wasn't worth it in my opinion.
Satellite internet were i live for 2.5 Mb/s download and 500 kb/s upload speed costed over $200 per month :( (I have dial up and i suprisingly got 10 kb/s upload speed Lol I won't be on dialup for long i will be moving when school is over (More like my mom is kicking me out :()