Wifi File transfer (PC -> XDA Mini S)


VIP Member
I use a wireless Linksys router to connect both my PC and smartphone (XDA mini S) to our broadband internet connection, and am trying to figure out how to transfer files across from pc to phone (being without the relevent cable at present).

If my phone was another pc it would be straight forward, but given that my phone runs Windows Mobile 5.0, how would I go about doing this?

I've gotten my PDA on wifi and pulled shared files using the PDA and Total Commander(I think the default file manager works too) It works just like a PC(//NAME or IP address) However, if you want to "push" stuff to the device, or install something though active sync, I think you need additional software for a Wifi connection.
Yea I know what you're getting at, at the moment I can't get either one to "see" each other. Using file explorer, setting the path to \\\\\SharedDocs (The PC) gives a "network path cannot be found" error, and typing in the Name makes the phone decide to dial out to GPRS lol. Similar problem vice versa. It's not a firewall issue, plus I've successfully transferred files via Wireless to another pc (mine when it's here).

I've never Synched these two, I hear good things about being able to synch via WiFi with some funky settings, but requires pairing etc, which without a cable, ain't easy.
Did you mean to post four \\\\ up there? It should just be two. Um...mine's deciding to be a pain as well, so I'll have to check it out later :P Though I do recall having some issues with the network selection. Be sure it's not some ISP or something. It needs to be Work Network or something along those lines.
Lol, yup those 4 were a typo :P

I'll have a look at the Connections I have. I would tend to think that if it's got a stable Wifi connection, it'll default to that, it always only dials out when that connection fails from my experience.

Thanks for taking a look.