Wi-Fi setup help needed


New Member
I have just gone Broadband on BT and have the Voyager 205 Router. I want to setup my laptop to access my computer upstairs. I have bought the Kcorp KLG-575 Wi-Fi Gateway Router and the KLG-520 Laptop card. I have the laptop card installed and hopefully working but can i hell as like get the 575 to connect to the internet. Has anyone else got the same gear as me cos i really need help.
I've run the wizard on the browser setup site,no luck. I don't know and understand all the settings required. I had a chat with BT about it but they wouldn't help people with 3rd party products. I'm thinking of srapping the BT router and buying a different ADSL modem.
I've been building and setting up computers sinve the old 486 machines but this has me stuck. Any help really appreciated.

you speak of scrapping the router, and getting a new modem... you know they are comepletely different things... Have you been able to login to the router? Aim me troy86towner or email [email protected]
BT Problems

BT are the same as any ISP located in the UK, in that they don't support non BT products. You can in fact connect any Wireless ADSL modem router to your BT connection. We supply Linksys and know this works on all ISP connections regardless of supplier. If you are still having problems and would like some un-biased advice please write to me on [email protected]
Yes i can log into the router through the browser setup prog. There is a setup wizard but once i have gone through it i still can't connect to the net.

Am i missing something,do i have to setup anything on my home computer.

i know ther is a difference between a modem and a router but do i actually need both routers. Why can't i just connect my Wi-Fi router to my DSL line and connect that way ?