Why does my Wireless Network Cut in and Out?


New Member
I have a belkin Wireless 54g Router that i bought two years ago, and ever scince i got 2 laptops in the house the router at least twice a day will stop letting me use the wireless connection it "cuts out" the signal bar will always say excellent strength but the Mbps will go from 54, to 48, to 36, to 20, to 8 etc.....

What could be causing this interference with my wireless connection....someone said if their is a cordless phone near by it can disrupt the signal when the phone is turned on and off...is there any truth to that?

Hi, i've got a Belkin 54 aswell. I had the kinda the same problem when first got it about 6 months ago.
I would turn my PC on but it wouldn't connect to the Wireless network...In Wireless networks box i could see the network with full signal but couldn't connect to it. To reconnect i would have to pull the powercord out of the router then plug it back in...then it would work...... was random problem.

However on one of my computers that was connected to the router via cat5 could still connect to the internet no probs.

Called Belkin about it and they said that they did know of a problem with the power supplies on some of them and that they would replace the router under warranty.... sent it back and got a new one, unfortunatly the same thing happens with the new one but haven't had a chance to send it back again yet.
Also, i noticed that the base of the router would get redicuosly hot when i was having the problem.