Why does my PC run like sh*t?


New Member
I totally formatted my PC and reinstalled all required plugins and drivers. Here I my PC specs. What would be making my computer run like crap? I can't even run 1 video game without it lagging badddd. Do you think its my 1 GB of ram? Any thoughts would be great, thanks!

AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+
2.21 GHZ
1 GB of RAM
Radeon x1650 video card
LG LCD HDTV 23" Monitor
If you want to know anything else, ask.
Hey funky, I am running windows XP on my desktop. Ive been trying to play games like start craft 2 (beta) and heroes of newerth by S2 gaming but i can barely play either game.
I would say it is the 1gb of ram. but... what is your hard drive model? if you don't know download HWMonitor (google it) and it should tell you. If you have a 5400rpm drive it's likely causing stuttering.
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In addition to having an old computer, what games are you trying to play that cause your computer to lag so bad?
How hot is your system getting? I am able to play games such as warcraft 3 and combat arms which require similar resources with only 1 gb of ram, 2.0 ghz x2 sempron, and geforce 6200.

Ive noticed a huge difference (from 20-25 fps down to about 7-10 fps) when the system gets hot.
That's a lot of monitor for such a little video card for gaming. Are you trying to run the games in 1920x1080?
That's a lot of monitor for such a little video card for gaming. Are you trying to run the games in 1920x1080?

This was my first thought also, is your res too high for the GPU and the ram? Do you have a smaller monitor you can try it out on?
How hot is your system getting? I am able to play games such as warcraft 3 and combat arms which require similar resources with only 1 gb of ram, 2.0 ghz x2 sempron, and geforce 6200.

Ive noticed a huge difference (from 20-25 fps down to about 7-10 fps) when the system gets hot.

Heat wouldn't cause lag, and starcraft 2 and HoN are much more demanding than WC3

I'd agree with the memory being too low for trying to play them, however, I'd also say the video card isn't helping any either, especially with such a large screen