Why Are There So Many Fixes For Windows 7?


I keep seeing magazines galore with Windows Fixes, Tune ups, and Speed up.
If Windows 7 is so good, why do we need this? Did Mocrosoft fail again in the design of an operating system? Why do I see so many faults when I run Registry Mechanic?
the OS is customizable that way. they're not really fixes, it's just some people don't know how to use a computer and whenever they run into trouble, they look for a 'fix'. these magazines are just trying to sell sell sell!
really don't believe everything you read.

windows 7 is a great os, you just have to know how to use a computer. you can always try linux, but remember: you get what you pay for.
windows 7 is a great os, you just have to know how to use a computer. you can always try linux, but remember: you get what you pay for.

You make it seem like linux/unix is bad, but again, you just have to know how to use it.

To the OP, many advertised sites and "fixes" are sometimes tricks to get you to buy software or download malicious programs/software. If you are experiencing problems and feel something is wrong with your Windows, post in our "operating systems" forum to see if someone who knows more can help you.
the OS is customizable that way. they're not really fixes, it's just some people don't know how to use a computer and whenever they run into trouble, they look for a 'fix'. these magazines are just trying to sell sell sell!
really don't believe everything you read.

Ya , you can not believe anything you read , some companies are trying to push others and vice versa.
I have been using XP for years and recently upgraded to windows 7. I have seen on the net that vista was a little bit of a fail, I dont know never tried it but it was not out to long before windows 7 came on the seen. I have myself been looking for tweaks, tricks, tips. What I come across though is mainly stuff to disable or delete to make 7 run faster. You know like turning off all of the pretty lights and having the motor run with out all its resources taken for the pretty stuff. 7 comes with a tons of features that are nice but can be resource hogs. If you have a good system you can run with all the "pretty Lights" on. If you have a older system that might not be up to snuff it will help you to turn off some lights. I am by far any expert on the computer bizz , just my 2 cents.
It took me awhile to get used to 7 after XP, there's nothing major wrong with my system (yet), but why does Registry Mechanic keep finding faults?
It took me awhile to get used to 7 after XP, there's nothing major wrong with my system (yet), but why does Registry Mechanic keep finding faults?

Because registry mechanic is the equivalent of asking a 5 year old how to build an engine :P

Seriously get rid of that program, use CCleaner instead, does a better job and does other things other than registry as well.
No matter how much beta testing is done, the public at large will always find different tasks that cause problems. Everyone has different hardware and installed software. It's impossible to produce a useful OS that works faultlessly with every combination out there. On top of that you have those that use PCs for purposes they were not intended and blame the problems on the OS.

As soon as the software is released, people are trying to hack it. Any holes have to be plugged. Windows will always be attacked most because it's used by most. Why bother hacking the minor systems? Perhaps for most hackers, Linux is their darling so why attack that?

As far as registry cleaners go, most of what they find is of no interest - empty registry keys, invalid shortcuts, most recently used files. Those are a product of normal PC use and make up 98% of the so-called "errors". CCleaner rarely finds anything, other than after a bad app uninstall, because it is only interested in serious issues. I have yet to download any anti-malware software that has not found something first use and then almost never finds anything else. Funny that. I don't think it has anything to do with how good the software is.
This comes down to the old software cost/time debate imo, Microsoft could spend an extra few years perfecting an OS and charge 3x (or more) the price for it (would you pay $1000 or £1000 or something for an OS?).

The only reason windows seems to have a lot more fixes released is because it's targeted more than any other OS and therefore MS have to keep on top of it to keep their users happy and stop everyone getting screwed over.
Never had any problems with my windows 7 and it works as fast as when I first installed it. Most people who have problems with their operating system slowing down generally don't know how to use a computer properly and bog it down with rubbish. After they bog it down with rubbish they don't know how to fix it so they look for a quick repair program to do it for them.

Mostly computers get bogged down with all the programs that start up with windows. Imagine for a minute you are a newbie user who goes around installing every rubbish free program you can find and installing the 3rd party software that comes with it. Your computer would be running waaaaay slow! I went out to a computer repair job at this one guys house and he had 6 programs launching to manage his wireless and a total of 25 other programs launching with windows.

I wrote a tutorial on changing your start up programs using MSCONFIG <--Here. Considering there are programs there are out there which you must PAY for to change windows start up programs, even though you can do it FOR FREE, maybe it would be safe to conclude that the problem is not with Windows 7, but with the people who use it? Its easy to make software for windows 7 that just does things that windows itself can already do for you. Easy money in my opinion made off people who don't know how to maintain their computers.
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Never had any problems with my windows 7 and it works as fast as when I first installed it. Most people who have problems with their operating system slowing down generally don't know how to use a computer properly and bog it down with rubbish. After they bog it down with rubbish they don't know how to fix it so they look for a quick repair program to do it for them.Mostly computers get bogged down with all the programs that start up with windows. Imagine for a minute you are a newbie user who goes around installing every rubbish free program you can find and installing the 3rd party software that comes with it. Your computer would be running waaaaay slow! I went out to a computer repair job at this one guys house and he had 6 programs launching to manage his wireless and a total of 25 other programs launching with windows.

You are COMPLETELY RIGHT!People ALWAYS say that Microsoft and their operating systems sucks, but that is NOT true at all!You are completely right mate!People just DO NOT KNOW how to use the computer properly and they ALWAYS blame Microsoft and the operating system by saying that it sucks and they always THINK and "KNOW" (hahaha) that there are programs which will ALWAYS fix their problems.Ok they will SOMETIMES,but not always.The problem would not happen IN THE FIRST PLACE if the users at least READ and TRY to understand ALL that text which is written above the OK / CANCEL or YES / NO buttons and so on hahaha!!!People just DO NOT read.They have some message box with a lot of text and they automatically click YES or OK without even reading the FIRST letter of that text in the first place.And THEN after some time they are like: "What the fu*k?! Why my computer works so slow???MICROSOFT SUCKS!!!"

Ahh...you know what?I am so tired of those kind of people who say they know everything roflmao!!! :D
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Thanks, great commom sense answers. We take for granted and Microsft must take credit for almost standardising PCs. If we go from home to work, or change jobs it is usually a MS operating systems and Excell and Word etc on the system. I have always been reluctant to load up with freebees.
Thanks, great commom sense answers. We take for granted and Microsft must take credit for almost standardising PCs. If we go from home to work, or change jobs it is usually a MS operating systems and Excell and Word etc on the system. I have always been reluctant to load up with freebees.

Yeah, as much as we like to complain about MS and all its software / systems, windows is the most used OS worldwide and personally I am more familiar with it than any Linux distro or Mac's. At the end of the day an OS is an extremely complex piece of software and they could do a lot worse when developing it (I am ignoring Vista / ME here lol xD).

At the end of the day I'm happy to download and install MS fixes for Windows as I know that they are working to keep it secure even when problems arise... they don't just leave it and do nothing about the problems :)
True.Operating system is VERY VERY VERY COMPLEX peace of software and Microsoft is doing a great job if you ask me.They always did and they always will.This might sound strange,but I like ALL Microsoft Windows operating systems including Windows ME and Windows Vista.Those 2 are not bad at all if you know how to use them and adjust their options.

Cheers Windows xD!