Which would you choose for wireless


New Member
I have been studying the wireless routers a little, wanting to set up the home for wireless.

I have noticed that D-Link has up to 108 mbps transfer rate,
and linksys has like 56 mbps?

I was thinking about the linksys but D-link looks better.....am I missing something on these two routers?

Which is best in your opinion?

108 = 54Mbit running a 2:1 compression (which isnt ever gonna happen :P) ... between those specific models the Dlink is better but just dont expect to hit 108Mbits anytime (my USR is 125MBit but it never hits that lol)
theres more then 2 company that offers Extreme G, I know for a fact Belkin offers this.

Or you could go Pre-N if you want to spend some more money.