Which technology will be the next to go?

tech explorer

New Member
Like death and taxes, you can count on changing technology being around.

At one time I thought vinyl records were becoming extinct. Now a resurgence is taking place (check http://www.foxbusiness.com/industries/2012/08/10/dust-off-vinyl/ for further details).

I've heard HDD's were on the way out. I agree, but not overnight as they're still cheaper than SSD's and have greater memory capacity.

I've decided it's more interesting to explore which technology will the next to be displaced as opposed to what will the next hot technology which has been beaten to death. So from this different perspective my candidate is regular DVDs to be replaced by Blu-Ray DVDs.
I'm pretty sure we've had a thread like this fairly recently but I'd be willing to say CDs and DVDs will be the next technology to go. They're being replaced with solid state means as we speak. People are downloading songs rather than buying them on CD, and the same goes for films. Same for games too. People are buying games on Steam and buying and downloading them on consoles too, so games on discs will be gone soon too I think.

I foresee in the future people won't even being buying films on Blu-Ray, they'll be buying and downloading them, then copying them onto a USB drive or SD card, plugging it into their TV, and then watching their films that way.
Movie DVDs are pretty much thinning out already. I've been collecting them from hock shops around the area and it's getting bare. I paid from $.99 to $1.99 for them and wait for the higher priced ones to come down, they always do. I collected movies I haven't seen and some I had seen but want to keep.

There's plenty of them on Craigslist but they want too much.

I hope TV is the next to go. It's ridiculous with commercials every 5 friggin minutes. Sheez.
I've been hearing that blu-ray is on the way out. I have a small collection of blu-ray discs and a handful of movies from iTunes downloaded in 1080 and in my opinion it can't beat blu-ray in terms of quality. Difference in image colour and sharpness is minimal but where the iTunes version fails is that in dark areas there is terrible image banding.
I've been hearing that blu-ray is on the way out. I have a small collection of blu-ray discs and a handful of movies from iTunes downloaded in 1080 and in my opinion it can't beat blu-ray in terms of quality. Difference in image colour and sharpness is minimal but where the iTunes version fails is that in dark areas there is terrible image banding.

MP4 with a high enough BitRate is better than Blu ray imo.
MP4 cant beat SACDs.. Just not enough data there to reproduce the sound as well. Just really depends on the market i guess.