Which color scheme?

I want a color chime for my pc. And I was gonna go blue/black, but there are not any blue psus. So how about:Blue/Black Matches mobo
Black/Black pretty easy to doRed/Black
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Should build a computer using quality parts at the best price, not what color they are. Its nice if you can match some stuff up and use what color fans you like. But using color as the deciding factor other then a case is pretty amateurish.
White black is so hard, as there is no white motherboard. Black on black anybody? It would look pretty cool. I could actually have black and white, but a lot less white. Like white psu, and white gpu, but everything else black. But, blue/black has no blue modular psu, so I don't like that, but I do have a blue mobo.
Well if you get a white NZXT Phantom then the whole inside of your case would be white, then you could use a black board, black GPU, black PSU, and then some white RAM DIMMs to finish it off.

I honestly don't know why you want the Level 10GT. It's expensive and looks hideous. It looks like it's been hit by a train, but it's your choice at the end of the day.
I use windows areo, and I'm very happy with the look. It's a very fluid one, and it makes the computer seem very very clean. It's eating up quite some rams though..
What the cheese? You have a lapoy so you might not know, but I am going with a color scheme for my custom computer, on all the components. Like blue gpu, ram, psu. I think I will go black/blue guys, thanks. I would go black/black but my blue mobo messes that up. Still, any reference blue pcb GTX 680, or any watercoolable GTX 680/670?
Congrats on 3000 posts, vista!
Thanks. :)

I am going with a color scheme for my custom computer, on all the components. Like blue gpu, ram, psu. I think I will go black/blue guys, thanks. I would go black/black but my blue mobo messes that up. Still, any reference blue pcb GTX 680, or any watercoolable GTX 680/670?
Well there's the Gigabyte GTX 670 I found earlier which has a blue PCB, but it has an aftermarket cooler http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125423

Most reference 670s/680s have black PCBs or a black backplate usually.
Yeah you see that's the problem. :/ I don't think there are any reference 670s or 680s out there with a blue PCB.
Wouldn't you be voiding your warranty if you painted the backplate blue?

I think you just go for an all black colour scheme, would be much easier lol. :P