Which card do I need or could I use mine?


New Member
I am looking to connect my PC to my stereo, I thought it would be simple. All I thought I needed was a single output from my computer with a white and red into my receiver. But that didn't work, by me having a 5.1 card from Creative does that affect the route I need to take or make it impossible? Or would I be better off purchasing a new card? Thanks for your time.
You just need a cord like this.. 3.5mm to rca...


You plug the 3.5mm end into your audio output (every card has one) If you still want to use your desktop speakers you can split the 3.5mm with a splitter... Then you plug the rca cords into the aux in of your receiver...
are you sure your cable was not defective, and that your stereo amp was on aux, and that the volume was high enough...(the volume on the stereo, not the pc)

i dont mean to insult your intelligence, its just that you should not have to change any settings on your pc to get this to work

about getting a new sound card...you will get better quality if you do get a card with R/L audio because u can do a direct connection with less audio quality loss.....but im not sure if the increase in quality is worth the price..
Its ok, I understand. I do have that cable, my problem is that I did it quickly a few weeks ago and figured that I didn't have the right card. My card looks similar to this except that mine has 2 blues, a green, a pink, and a big blue input instead of these . So I am not sure which color to plug the end into. I really appreciate your time and I am only 9/10's retarded :eek: But thanks again. Only problem is that my cord is too short, I tried it a few weeks ago right next to my stereo, now its like 3 feet away and the cords too short.
you might consider buying a computer speaker set, like the logitech Z(something) which is 5.1 since they are developed for computer sound cards and can be fetched for about $50, on top of which, they are surprisingly loud, they give my 1000Watt stero reciver a run for it's money!
I already have 5.1 speakers, I would just prefer my stereo speakers because they are already set up and I don't have the room to have 2 sets of surround sound speakers. Thanks for your time I guess I will have to play around and see what I can do.
just turn on a music file turn on the receiver.. (you must go through a receiver to boost it) and press aux of coarse... then try each plug...
What I am getting confused on is if I come out of one of the outputs wouldn't that degrade the sound? Wouldn't I be better off taking out my 5.1 sound card and just running it off the board then into my stereo. Then letting my stereo be everything instead of running just the front, rear, or surround channel from one output? Thanks for all the input.