whats the difference between a hub and a switch?

Hubs And switches 101

Hubs is a device that connects every device to every device. And just sends every message down every wire to every computer and just lets the Network Interface Card decide "Is this for me?"

Which creates a lot of information colisions.

Switches is a device that connects every device/node to every decive/node. Butttttt the switch looks at something called the mac address (this is like an ip buttt it is static and can't be changed for your nic {well i can change it}).

It records the mac address and searches for that mac on the network. Finds it and sends and records how it got there. So the next time it needs to go to that mac address it know where and how to get there and only sends it to that mac address. Less colisions. :cool:

IT is good to be the king:................
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