Whats a good brand modem


New Member
Hey guys I want to buy a new modem cause my old one jst keeps getting disconnected ,i bought a D-link one and that was greatish but it overheats and freezes and 2 fix that i have 2 manuely reboot it it gets annoying cause i dl stuff allnight u no so if it freezes in the middle of the night i stop downloading , the guy at the store said if i dont like it i can take it back so thats what i'm gona do but what new modem should i get(adsl modem that is) I wanted net gear but thats out of my price range
Cisco :P but they cost $$$$$ and do they even make modems?

Netgear is meant to be quite good. i just use the one that came with my ISP (its a router) and its great, i was surprised.