What to study in college??


New Member
i'm new on this wonderful Forum, and i have decided to discuss an important topic on my first post.

I have just finished my High School and i'm getting ready to study Computer Science or IT in college, but what i want to share with you is the following:

- I feel that programming is the best field in IT or Computer science in general and it is the best to specialize because the other branches are getting covered by another ideas like:
eg: In computer networking, LAN and WAN connections are being covered by solutions like Microsoft sharepoint and Windows Multipoint etc..

what i mean is we always need C programming etc.. in everything while the other branches may be useless after 8-10 years or at least they will change a lot from what it is now.

am i right??
There will always need to be people to install, maintain, and troubleshoot networks and their hardware. Programming is a great field as well, but who knows if C programming is going to be around for a while, there may be a new breakthrough.
I really think you just need to find what niche of the IT industry fits you. Programming can be fun and interesting to learn, but could you do that day-in and day-out for many years? I love the IT industry and many aspects of it, but I really don't think any specific aspect of the field is better than the other. They will all be changing rapidly for the next century so none of them are really future proof.
Hi i am new to this forum also. My opinion is you should take it easy and don't obligate yourself to something you thought you liked but didn't. Best line of work in the world is the one that isn't work to you. Plus......* Lotta fun you may have there* Good Luck something will jump out at you.
If you're looking for something that isn't going to change in 8-10 years, the only thing I could recommend would be IT Management. Everything else is going to change greatly, and run the risk of becoming outdated. If you want to go into IT, you're going to have to be willing to constantly learn and relearn things as they change.
hey guys, how to be a software engineering "programmer"? by studying IT then specialize or computer science then software engineering or what ??

because most colleges just show either computer engineering or computer science or IT, so what i have to choose in order to be a software engineer??