WHat Should I get?


New Member
I got about 80$ and i need a good wireless router with wired ports and a Wireless NIC... ANy Suggestions?
Fire said:
I got about 80$ and i need a good wireless router with wired ports and a Wireless NIC... ANy Suggestions?

YES get a LINKSYS. just type it into Google and go to there webby.

One of the best
Just a heads up about this router http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProdu...-124-136&depa=0

Yes, it is awesome...in fact it is so awesome that one of its security features is it as partial AI. It tracks your habits on the internet. For example if you go to E-bay or seshome.co.uk everyday for sever weeks on end. Well let us say all of the sudden something breaks on your computer and now you want to go to computerforum.com "because this is the best computer help forum on the internet :) “I will block you from going to this website because it will think that someone else is using your computer. Well all you need to do is try to access the website three more times and it will allow to get through. Kinda cool huh.