what should i do???


New Member
i recently bought a new gaming rig and im not sure what to do with my old rig. i was thinking about making it into a game server but im not sure if its worth it. heres the esential specs:

gigabyte mobo nf2 agp8x
amd athlon xp 2600+
geforce 3 ti200
512mb pc2100
40 gig seagate barracuda

or i could just sell it and put the money towards my new $2700 rig?
I vote you keep it. Use it to learn on...put Linux or maybe FreeBSD on it. Turn it into a file server, MAME cabinet machine, hardware firewall, Quake server, who cares...

I would not sell it or toss it though. At the very least, if your new PC goes down, at least you'll have a backup until it's fixed.
I would keep it, still an alrite comp. Like the above said, you can learn stuff from it and also its capable of being a server...maybe just needs more RAM ^^
yea that sounds like a good idea. thats what my friend was telling me to do, turn it into a game server then i would have something for our lanpartys. i twould think its current HDD is too small for a file server. hes installing Micrsoft Server 2003 on it as we speak. is that any good?