What programming language is most beneficial?


New Member
I am very tech savvy and i know the basics of some programming languages such as C++ and Java but since I plan on working at Microsoft and getting into MIT, I curious to know what language will help me the most get accepted into those places and help me with my work?

I was thinking C++ or something, but isn't that also the hardest to learn? If so i don't really mind, i just need one to learn alongside Java.
C# (C-Sharp) is one of the best.Same for the C++.

But it doesn't matter what language you will use even if it's VB.With all these 3 languages,you can do a LOT...too much if you know how.So it's up to you.I use C# and it's great.
Putting the emphasis on one language is not necessarily the best way to go. It's nice to have a good capability in one but I would have thought with programming in particular, flexibility is far more useful long-term to you and an employer. Today's darling app could be out of date next year.

Someone with a wide range of apps under their belt could emphasize to a potential employer that whatever is thrown at them is not a problem. Software houses are mostly interested in innovators. They can always find a run-of-the-mill programmer. It depends what you want to be. Remember, all the dinosaurs were specialists!
Programming languages change much like fashion. At certain times different languages have been more popular to use than others

Example - Delphi was a popular language in the 1990's and now it is a dead language, hardly used in most modern programs.

The .NET framework (C#, ASP.NET) are Microsoft developed language's and C# in particular is a high level language ( generally considered to run at a slower speed than for example C using APIs due to it's processing method).

The basics of most programming languages are generally the same (threading, processes, etc ) however implemented differently, so you may find that you are particularly suited to one and not another.

Personally, I find Java to be similar to C# so that would be a relatively easy transition for you.

However I do agree that only being focused on one language is the best method.

Hope this helps, and if anything is wrong I'm sure i'll be told :)
Your aims are so to cope up with them so should be your thinking.
Computer language syntax is just a set of rules to achieve a solution to a problem but the main point is solving the problem which is a bigger dillemma.So problem can be solved in any language but it would be better and easier to solve it in the language you know the best.See coders are available easily but a System Analyst who just makes digraphs/algorithms/solutions to the faced problems is the on who stands above them.

You can try your hand at python.I find it very very advanced with all the dynamic typing and modules and all that.Just checkout python and you will know what I am talking about.
Python is used widely by google and google also employs the man who created python.
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