What not to do if your laptop overheats


Master of Turning Things Off and Back On Again
Staff member
My boss bought a crap laptop off someone and I just thought I'd share it. His laptop was overheating on him, so....well I'll let the pictures do the talking :)

EDIT: Pics are bad so I'll explain. The customer decided to cut holes in the laptop to help with ventilation. He then used electrical tape to cover the sharp plastic edges. In essence, he failed.


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That's an interesting approach to laptop cooling :) He could have fixed the problem by cleaning his computer fan which probably became blocked by dust - h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/fastFaqLiteDocument?lc=en&dlc=en&cc=uk&docname=c01657439

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lol he might as well have gone ahead and screwed holes through the laptop to make sure no one steals it and dipped it in water to help with liquid cooling.
you could give us some kind of explination as to what it was that he has done?

photos arnt that clear, it does look like he has taped up the rough edges after butchering it
you could give us some kind of explination as to what it was that he has done?

photos arnt that clear, it does look like he has taped up the rough edges after butchering it

Yeah guys. Sorry the pics aren't very good. (I see now why Lisa hates that camera). Anyway, yeah. He cut random holes in it to help with ventilation and just used electrical tape to cover up the sharp edges. It looks like crap.