what is your favorite computer store?

Physical, online, or both?

Online I prefer Tigerdirect, always had good results and customer service with them, never had a problem.

Can't stand Newegg, they seem to screw up my order every single time I order from them and constantly screw me on customer service. Real shame too because they tend to have more product than TD.

Physical I don't really have one. All we really have here are big box stores like Best Buy, Comp USA, ect.
As said. I check all store prices. Local if i can, will buy from newegg, tigerdirect ebay if new, unopened. Microcenter is not local for me. Can't order online i know of. I just compare prices for what i want and get it.
I would have to say newegg. They seem to be the best anyway.

As for in store, not an option. The local BnM went under, and the idiots that work at the big box stores are generally no help.
Newegg, Microcenter, and Fry's for parts, but Best buy is good too, and the all important GameStop for games for the 360
well over here, alternate.nl or gistron.nl but physically i never go to a computer store, the prices are outragous at the ones near me so ill wait the extra day for shipping
Online I prefer Tigerdirect, always had good results and customer service with them, never had a problem.

Can't stand Newegg, they seem to screw up my order every single time I order from them and constantly screw me on customer service. Real shame too because they tend to have more product than TD.

Really? I've only had great customer service with them. When they sent me a PSU adapter, it was packaged wrong (not newegg's fault) and they gave me a refund, and I didn't even need to send the cable back. And they found me a lost rebate many times.

I've never ordered from tigerdirect. I can't stand the layout of the site. With newegg, I can narrow the results so much better than tigerdirect. But I always check prices on TD once I find the product on newegg.

And microenter is the only one near me that is good.
This is a joke right?

hey, if you get them to price match microcenter best buy is way better, if you're a member of their rewards stuff that is, but you also get a better support service from them, so i'd say best buy is pretty damn good, you got a different point of view? also for non-component purchases but still electronics, they are one of the best too.