What is/were your biggest computer and cell phone issues?

This is a good idea for a thread! :P

On my first laptop (Dell inspiron), I managed to change the default program that reads .lnk and some .exe files so it kinda ruined a lot of things... (being dell, it had object dock which refused to start as well as various other applications that rely on links.)

Back then I was even more of a noob than I am now, so I panicked when I did this haha! Its quite a simple mistake now that I think of it but back than I was screwed. So I used seven forums (I knew it was a software issue so I went there) to help me as I wasn't on here at the time! They gave me a download link to a .exe and .lnk registry fix and that sorted the issue.

So yeah that's probably my worst problem but I know its not exactly terrible.
Itll be interesting to hear some others problems haha! :good:
Can only think of a few that happened recently.

I tried to set up a dual boot of linux and vista on a laptop. There was an error while partitioning the hard drive and windows disappeared. Tried using the install disks, but it was a Sony and had all of their recovery software built in. Because of this I wasn't able to get windows back on. As a result, I just had to learn a bit more about linux. The laptop barely worked anyhow and soon was recycled. Problem solved.

My last phone would not connect to the internet reliably. I simply switched providers. Now my internet is fantastic and a get worse call reception. Why both cannot be achieved I do not know.
Can only think of a few that happened recently.

I tried to set up a dual boot of linux and vista on a laptop. There was an error while partitioning the hard drive and windows disappeared. Tried using the install disks, but it was a Sony and had all of their recovery software built in. Because of this I wasn't able to get windows back on. As a result, I just had to learn a bit more about linux. The laptop barely worked anyhow and soon was recycled. Problem solved.

My last phone would not connect to the internet reliably. I simply switched providers. Now my internet is fantastic and a get worse call reception. Why both cannot be achieved I do not know.

I relate to your cell phone situation. Often lose my internet connection, yet when I do have connection, it often speeds up tremendously which I attribute to upgrading to a 4G LTE network.
The biggest computer issue I ever had was on my first computer build back in 1985. I had purchased an XT type motherboard from a vendor at a computer show and when I assembled the computer I got no video out.

In an XT type machine, there was no battery backed CMOS so all of the setup info was done by switches on the motherboard. There was a switch on the motherboard to tell it whether you were using a color or a monochrome video card. Most users then used a monochrome video card because it was less expensive and text display was much sharper. I had a color card so I set the switch to indicate I had color.

Anyway, I took the motherboard back to the vendor I bought it from and explained that I couldn't get any video out using my color card. I was pretty nervous about it since this was my first build (no internet or forums available for me to ask for build advice). Anyway, the guy I dealt with just told me that I just had the switches set wrong because I didn't know what I was doing. He proceeded to test the mobo with a mono card with the mobo switch set to indicate a mono card. The mobo worked fine that way. He then reiterated that I just didn't know what I was doing. I argued with him that I did know what I was doing and that the difference was that I was using a color card and he tested with a mono card. We argued back and forth with him telling me that it didn't make any difference as long as the switch was set correctly. I kept insisting that he test with a color card and that I wouldn't leave until he showed me the mobo working with a color card. He finally gave in and set it up with a color card. Sure enough, no video output using a color card. He went in his office and called someone, I could hear him yelling into the phone but couldn't make out what he was saying. He then came out to me and told me to go away and come back in 1 hour. When I came back in an hour, he had the system working with a color card. I believe all that he did was install a newer BIOS. I didn't care since my first computer build was now working!

Biggest cell phone issue I ever had was with a cell phone I got in 2003. I got a discount on Sprint phones thru my employer so got a Sprint phone. Reception was OK in densely populated areas but as soon as I got into a more rural area reception was spotty, at best. I live in a fairly rural area and reception was unreliable at my home. I made do with it but after my 2 year contract with Sprint ended I switched to Verizon and have been happy ever since. There are very few places I've been with my Verizon phone that I haven't had reception.
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