I kept mine for the warranty period then tossed them.
I kept mine for the warranty period then tossed them.
(and judging by the way you act, I would think you like to see them)
I like to keep mine for whenever I want to sell them, but I keep boxes for EVERYTHING lol.
Come home from college a few months ago to find my mum burning all the boxes to create room in the loft. Oh well lol
i saved the boxes for a long time w/o any use, sometimes when i needed some cardboard i just took a piece of a box.. but had boxes from 3 computer builds soo....
They came in handy when i was moving to my own apartment, got much of little stuff into them and now they are still fully packed in my closet.
Well, the case box is so big so that i can't put in the closet, but i use that as a little table when i'm eating at my computer (nice height and all), and inside i put all bottles i'm gonna recycle sooner or later (mostly recycle them when i can't fit any more in the case box)
I keep them...I am a box hoarder...I have a problem.
I keep them...I am a box hoarder...I have a problem.
Hahahaha Dude I have the same problem. I have a shelf above my gaming rig with the boxes of the components inside it for decoration.
One thing you can do, which many people don't seem to do, is put your boxes inside other boxes to save on space
I vote, keep them until you come to sell that item, it will help sell it and maybe get you a slightly better price.