What do you guys think of this home theater?


VIP Member

Rather than get the stuff for my computer's surround sound capabilties(which probably suck anyway :rolleyes: ) I figured I'd get this, though, not from newegg. Actually, my dad has this program where he can get stuff though his work and he said he'd get it for me. FYI, this is how I also got the Mac mini :D

So anyway, what do you guys think? I originally planned on getting a better receiver and separate speakers, but decided I'd save my money and just get this little thing. I actually don't plan on using the sub, rather, I'll use the 10" sub I already have. So noone comments on it, I know the amp is not in the sub for this system. My sub has an "high-input" which allows for amplified input.

Comments? There was another one that I could get(Sharp) but the amp for ALL the speakers was located in the sub, so I couldn't use mine(or use two subs...) Other than that, I liked this one because of the duel inputs(other had single) and optical input. I'll probably try that out for my PS2 or maybe my DVD-Recorder.

On last thing, I'm not so interested in the DVD-ROM this thing has...as mentioned above, I have a DVD-Recorder(urm...also from the same place :P ) so it's just an added extra I suppose...
Well, the CD/DVD player is probably pretty good, but I don't think I really trust RCA speakers all that much... At that level, I would probably go with Pioneer instead.

But, if I were buying for me, I would get some Paradigm or Miller & Kreisel speakers with a separate Cambridge SoundWorks sub and a NAD receiver to power it all. If only I had a six-figure salary... :)
Haha :P I wanted a better system, but this is really just temp... I won't use it all that much, and I'm quite sure when I move into my own place(and have enough money) I'd invest in a fairly decent receiver and some new speakers. Right now I'm just looking for something pretty good...