WHat can you do with a server?


New Member
What things can you do with a server? Is it possible to make money with it, how would a person do this?

I am basically trying to justify building a server, lol. For educational purposes.

Just give me info, ideas, anything for someone new to building/using servers.
Well, you could make money. you could host things on the server, then sell it to other people.. eg you could set up a simple website server and charge people to use it, but you would prob need a fast internet connection for people to pay you.

There are loads of things you could do, such as

-website hosting
-file hosting
-email server
-network uses such as DHCP and domain networks with users
-Gaming server hosting
-online radio server
Hmmm, any more info on this and sites. Available software and/or associations/companies able to help with or without fee's. I need info man, info!

ooh, I have never thought about this but I guess it would be a money maker. You could do file back-ups and make a little spare cash. I could make a load of money in my area. I too like ETSA would like to know how to make this available to the local businesses, like some software for allowing certain IP's to store stuff on my server's HD's. Oh, man I could make a ton of money, plz, plz, share some info.