What annoys you the most about email?


New Member
I ask this because yesterday I wrote an email to somebody covering some quite important things and in their reply they inserted short, lack of thought remarks after and between some of my sentences and did it in blue. I'm not sure if this is considered bad netiquette or not because I do tend to be easily annoyed with things like this so...........

What annoys you the most about the wonderful world of email?

Could be the client you use, stuff that's gone horribly wrong or email you get from that person at work you don't really want to get mail from, lets hear it.

Can't complain about GMail. Sure, they're wonderful, they make you download browsers that you hate and make you use basic HTML if you don't have one of those. Can't complain. IE8, FF, Safari, and of course Chrome are just awesome. I heartily recommend those browsers to anybody. Sure Opera is minimally supported. I don't care that much. I've only lost my right hand, no big deal. Go Google! /cheer
What annoys me are the spam emails telling me that I inherited billions of dollars and that i won some UK lottery. What is sad, some people really fall for it.
I hate when customers come in to work, ask us to do a data backup, but don't tell us they use Outlook. We then don't back up their email and they get pissed at us.

There isnt much i hate about Emailng itself,I think its a great way to communicate,Free & fast!

However what i do hate is the companies/software they use sometimes!

I had endless problems with Spam on my Gmail account,i had to shut down the account!
i was getting an average of about 20 spams a day,Im not sure what caused it. :(

i then moved on to Windows live mail...Not had any spam problems with that its been great,But sometimes it just dont let me log in saying my Address/password is wrong and its not!...il leave it for a bit then try again and it will work,Maybe it a bug or something.
Email ? not much really, except the for the fact that someone isn't smart enough to see my address in the original email he/she received, then forwards it to me.. *sigh*
What annoys me are the spam emails telling me that I inherited billions of dollars and that i won some UK lottery. What is sad, some people really fall for it.

here's a group of people who try to dish out some justice in that department. i spent a few hours reading their forums lmao-ing all over the place
That I feel I have to reply to them all, not matter how inane they might be.

And, by the way; I work for a guy who does that short reply thing in a different font color under each comment or question you write in the original email. Then circulates it to others instructing them to respond in yet another font color - Jeez! Talk about annoying. Can never remember who's Mr. Black; Mr. Green and Mr. Blue. It's like that movie "Reservoir Dogs" after awhile :eek:
It's actually a program that runs scripts to manage various things. For example, when someone signs up for a server account on HelioHost, the account is queued in the daemon. Then, the daemon comes to that entry, then runs the appropriate scripts to create the account, with various modules and such. Daemons are basically computer robots.
Gmail user and no complaints. The concept of email in general? I hate the idea that people are idiots and ask for your return e-mail address when you say you'll send them something via e-mail. Even if you're saying you'll do this on the phone or in person, you can still hit reply.
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Uhh, I don't really hate email. Gmail keeps 100% of the spam out of my inbox so it's fine. I don't really use it for actual communication too much, it's mostly there for sending people files, signing up for stuff and such.