Weird Microphone problem. (Headset)


New Member
This is the first time it has occured for me, I've had plenty of headsets before, all has worked quite fine for several months ( This one is fairly new, about a month old )

So to my problem.

Two nights ago my Headset + Microphone (Microphone on the Headset) worked perfectly fine. I spoke to some friends ( on ventrilo ) before heading to bed. So the next day when I logg on Ventrilo to talk with some people, my Microphone doesn't work anymore, for some reasons. To the strange part: In the Ventrilo Recording Set-Up I can't hear my self while I record my microphone. However, It do pick up what other people say, and when I stream in the same time as they talk, they hear themselves, which has to mean that the actual microphone it self is working? Right? Which makes me believe there's something wrong with the Audio Card, but if that's the case, shouldn't I hear some sort of fusses comming from normal sounds? Because I can listen to music and games perfectly fine, It's just the microphone that's being really weird.

Heres a few pictures on how my Audio Set-Up looks like, from the Controlpanel.


As you can see, It says that my Speakers is plugged in ( which they arn't, my headset is. )


Any tips or information would be greatly appreciated. :)

Edit: I've tried to plugg in the Headset + Microphone plug into the front and back panel.
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