Webcam / Vista SP2 problem


New Member
OK, Im new here so bear with me. I have a Microsoft Lifecam NX 6000. It was working great up until 2 days ago. I downloaded and installed the Vista SP2 patch. Now the stupid thing doesnt work. All I get is a black screen. I reinstalled the drivers / program from the disk that came with it. It says it doesnt support my OS version. SO I went to the Microsoft website to download new drivers. I put in all my comp info and downloaded the driver program. When I went to install it; it says that the version I downloaded is not a valid win 32 bit installation package. SO I tried to install the version for XP. NO go. Im deployed to Iraq and this is my only way to see my family. Any help is appreciated. Please hurry. thanks LARRY
Sorry that didnt help. I am running AMD Athlon. I thought it was the vista. I uninstalled it. It didnt help. Any more suggestions?
The problem seemed to start when the driver updated to Does anyone have an earlier driver and or software program?