Web Server


New Member
I am looking to start playing with setting up a server that will serve some webpages.

I would also like to put all my music etc on to the machine, and access them over my network at my 2 machines.

I have looked at getting a second hand server or PC tower.

What should I really look for?

I have never tried linux, but believe this to be the way forward for servers that are on all the time?

I do fancy having Win XP as I can then use remote access to access the 'server' as I don't want a screen etc attached to the server.

Is it easy to share files on a linux machine to a couple XP machines? Is it a good idea to allow this if I am installing apache to do the webserving concurrently?

Any pointers great - I have done plenty of networking etc, but never had a go at a server - the IT guys always sort that after I have done an install.

Cheers guys.

[edit] - OK, just seen a topic about samba - seems the thing to use, and is what is used in things like the linkstations etc isn't it?

Can you remotely access a linux machine?
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Been doing a little research, and it seems you can setup SFTP access for windows XP, not sure how good this is as it is a linux emultor.
So your going to make a website and put it on the server right? If your only getting a web server to put your music on I wouldn't do it because its probably illegal.
If you want to actually make a website you should probably install a version of linux and then install apache web server and stuff.
You could also try using wamp in windows. I haven't actually tried it but im downloading it now.
If you just want to access your music from both computers then a web server is probably not the way to go. You could just network the computers together and create a shared folder to put your music in.
I want to set up a server to simply play with and get some deeper understanding in how they work etc.

I thought I could also put my music onto it to share with the PC's - don't want to host the music for downloading! I currently use a linkstation for music and photos so they are available to both machines without relying on the other, just thought it better to move them all to the server - it may be faster?

It is simply a learning curve for me!
Ah ok i was just a little confused lol.
Probably install a version of linux, I recommend fedora core 6 which I use. I basically mess around with it and learn php at the same time. Its fun. If you dont want to get a new screen for the server you could use ssh to run it but that isn't graphical so you would need to know unix commands. If you are going to use windows then there are lots of remote access programs.
That looks good.
I tried WAMP but I really didn't like it.
It used up lots of cpu usage (don't know why) and it wasn't very good.
Im gonna try lightserv.
LiteServe is very light on CPU, and only uses around 5-10MB of RAM.

Also, all the other apps I used werent able to be used on the web, since it only worked on the LAN.
I can only speak from experience, and microsoft solutions work but cost you money, and IIS is filled with holes....

Get a linux box and just learn Apache/mySQL/PHP/myPHPadmin and set up your website. Its completely free, secure, and has tons of community support and FAQs to walk you through the installs and configurations.

Remember Linux pretty much runs the internet, and infact this forum runs off of Linux as well....check this out

tlarkin@Monkey:~> sudo nmap -O www.computerforum.com
root's password:

Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2006-11-28 10:53 CST
Interesting ports on host.interspeed.com (
Not shown: 1662 filtered ports
20/tcp   closed ftp-data
21/tcp   open   ftp
22/tcp   open   ssh
25/tcp   closed smtp
53/tcp   open   domain
80/tcp   open   http
110/tcp  open   pop3
143/tcp  open   imap
443/tcp  open   https
465/tcp  open   smtps
993/tcp  open   imaps
995/tcp  open   pop3s
1214/tcp closed fasttrack
3306/tcp open   mysql
6346/tcp closed gnutella
6347/tcp closed gnutella2
6666/tcp closed irc-serv
8443/tcp open   https-alt
No exact OS matches for host (If you know what OS is running on it, see http://www.insecure.org/cgi-bin/nmap-submit.cgi).
TCP/IP fingerprint:

Uptime 2.049 days (since Sun Nov 26 09:43:37 2006)