Web Hosting Server Questions



I have alot of website most personal and a few clients and was looking into Building the server etc myself.

I have built plenty of computers and have also dabbled in Servers (Made one and got a web domain connected to the outside world with a PHP site etc etc) so no problems there.

I sometimes can't justify spending a fair bit on hosting when I reckon I can do it myself for a fraction of the price.

Now the question is how good is it by today's standards. I have a 50mb - 70mb Download (depending on the day!) and a 10mb - 20mb upload which is pretty fast for the UK.

Would this be more than enough speed? The connection is solid and I think has only lost connection twice in a year.

What would I need? What would I need to watch for? I have one main customer who has probably about 20gigs of traffic a month to the site if that helps.

Any thoughts on this at all?

Many Thanks
You do not want to host websites on your personal network. Yes those are fast speeds, but you definitely don't have the bandwidth to support all the traffic at once.

There are businesses that will host your server for you. In that I mean, you can build your own server and set it up how you like, and then these businesses will put the server online for so much per month. This is a good option if you want unrestricted access to your own server to maintain it.

If Nyxcharon sees this thread, he can give more information about the whole ordeal.

Thanks alot for the reply :)

I have unlimited bandwidth (Truly Unlimited) is that what you mean by bandwidth or are you referreing to something else? :)

Thats interesting about the people that host your own servers I never thought about that! That maybe the route to go :)

Many thanks
I have unlimited bandwidth (Truly Unlimited) is that what you mean by bandwidth or are you referreing to something else? :)

Truly Unlimited is not a thing:

There are businesses that will host your server for you. In that I mean, you can build your own server and set it up how you like, and then these businesses will put the server online for so much per month. This is a good option if you want unrestricted access to your own server to maintain it.

This is your best option. It's called collocation. Basic idea is you buy or build a rack server, then you ship it off to a data center. You then pay for using a slot in there rack, and for bandwidth. You then manage everything remotely.
Prices will vary greatly, but for simple hosting like you want a basic 1U rack server is all you would need. You'll want to plan ahead as well. You'll need to consider how you want to handle backups, hardware failure, storage, security, etc.