Watch Out For the Conficker Worm


New Member
The Conficker virus/worm is reportedly laying dormant in at least 9 million computers worldwide, and when it activates on April 1st, watch out. Try to avoid social networking sites like Facebook.
Is this what the local news was talking about the other day? It sounded like an April fools joke to me...
It seems that as long as you're patched up your computer will be fine, I assume having the 7057 build of Win7 is about as up-to-date as it gets.
If you're a smart pc user you should have nothing to worry about. It's the people that download gigabytes a day of porn and or use IE 6,7,8 :D
What does this worm do to your computer?

Umm... April 1st? Isn't that worm old news? More info please.

Is this what the local news was talking about the other day? It sounded like an April fools joke to me...

I've heard it goes through a backdoor in Windows, shuts off your firewall, and virus scanning/ anti virus software. I can't remember if it does anything to DOS though (CMD Prompt). I read about it a while ago from an article linked on Facepunch studios.

Irish, I thought it was too until I saw on the news that is was just laying dormant and it would begin its wrath on April Fools day.

Gla3dr, I don't think it can be an April fool's joke, because for one I think it's illegal to do something like that on the news, and two it's not April Fool's yet :P.
Gla3dr, I don't think it can be an April fool's joke, because for one I think it's illegal to do something like that on the news, and two it's not April Fool's yet :P.

While this may be legit, the news media is not exactly shown the greatest amount of credulity in the past. They can be duped just like the rest of us. Sometimes I think the media is more gullible than the general populace. Sadly, its not illegal to be gullible.
Oh noes I hope nothing like that is unleashed it will meet doom if it comes near my computer :)

Oh noes! Oh, noes indeed. :)

I can't help it, but every time I read "Conficker" my mind interprets it as "Corn-Flicker" for some reason. In doing so it looses any sense of malice.
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I like to watch my connections in cmd because in a couple games some people like to DDOS you to lag out.
(I'll try to hold off downloading porn that day :D)