Want to buy Lightscribe/burner disk drive internal


New Member
I want to buy a disk drive that has capabilities of burning and doing lightscribe
I have $26 paypal right now.
I love the idea of LightScribe. Since I use Linux, I will have some difficulty but I haven't installed the utility yet. I keep forgetting. I hope I remember!

You know, permanent marker does something to the top layer of the CD. Its chemicals don't seem to get along with the CD, and I can attest to this as it has kind of "melted" small holes in the top layer of the CD, especially where the marker wrote over a logo or design. Strange, but it has always happened to me. Being obsessive compulsive, I wash CDs, and water seems to get underneath the CD, thus ruining the CD. I don't label anymore and only buy CDs with a uniform surface (no logos or embossments like, for example, Memorex or Sony CDs) - I keep washing them and nothing happens!
ok sweet, I'll do that

Do you guys think it will work with my system? I'm not a computer geek so..would there be a open plug in there or what?
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ok sweet, I'll do that

Do you guys think it will work with my system? I'm not a computer geek so..would there be a open plug in there or what?

yea it should be fine. There's a manual in there that'll help you. It's simple :D
You guys don't know how much i will use it. I know i will use lightscribe alot. My moms laptop has it and i used to always use it. I am always making things on disks like putting movies etc.. so i know i will use it a lot.