vpn and internet issues


New Member
my friend and i live about 2.3 miles apart so that we can share computers and files we have setup a vpn and we finally got everything working the way it should and now all of a sudden whenever i connect to the vpn it blocks all programs from the internet. ex. firefox doesnt connect to the internet gaim (instant messanger) all things that use internet other then the vpn cannot connect to the intenet. is this because its trying to get the internet from the vpn or what i really dont know what the heck is going on if anyone can help me please i would appreciate it.
You probably didn't configure the ip addresses right. I'm not an expert in networking so I don't know what to say I've tried to set up a vpn between me and my school, but never succeeded cause they have corporate firewall and they couldn't recieve packets from my side, but I'll look up the guide on how to do it then I'll post it up.
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well i know that its the right ip and all that it was actually working well and everything and just the past few times it has been doing the kill all internet thing