ahhhh that explains it, thanks good sir
Yeah it was ryan.white
and ahhh the forum rules, looked for those last night when I joined and was unable to find. I thank you again
As the link is on the main page and every page, i thought it was easy to see
hmmm, OK now that i'm able to with at least 100 posts how would I go about this? How embarrassing...
You might not be able to do it right away, as it takes some time for the system to move you to a new users group. To post a visitor message, you can go to their profile page and post one.
this is your profile page.
I just checked your usergroup and it hasn't changed yet. Should either change by the end of the day or tomorrow.
Wow how in the, 73 posts in one day :O I have been here for like a year and I was pleased I reached 100 lol, nice going