Video Playing problems


New Member
My daughter could not play converted MPEG files in her Wimamp Pro program, so I downloaded the K Lite Codec Mega Pack and installed it.

Her computer would play the audio, but no video.

There was no noticeable difference, still could not play MPEG FILES that had been converted from FLV or WMV.

I installed the same K lite on my PC and when I went to play some music videos that had been working fine, they were playing real fast. I uninstalled and all works ok on mine now.

When it was installed it uninstalled the DivX bundle. Do I really need it?

What could be the problem with my daughter's? We both prefer Winamp Pro because it is far friendlier to play multiple videos than WMP 11.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Do you have your video drivers installed?

I have been getting all the updates and I just updated the latest ATI Catylst.

What makes it odd is it will play some MPEG videos, just fine and if I play the video in WMP11 it plays perfect, just not in Winamp Pro 5.57 and I even tried to go back to 5.56 and earlier, no change. Somewhere there seems to be a Driver conflict and I am confused where.
No, it seems to be Winamp 5.57. I would have thought possible driver conflict too, but it plays with WMP11 so...

Try some different video players, see if they work. If they do, then you know its just winamp. Good luck :good: