Very, VERY specific PC Speaker question...


New Member
OK, so here is my deal. I am looking for a set of wireless pc speakers. My problem is, I would like these speakers to also have a headphone jack for an additional speaker. I have seen one or the other, but have never seen both in the same product.

The reason the headphone jack is important is, I have a very thin speaker that I put under my pillow when I go to bed so I don't disturb my wife when she is sleeping. I used to keep an old notebook computer in the bedroom and run a wire from there to my speaker. However, my wife is not real crazy about the noise the fan makes. So I would like to put the notebook in another room and hook up some wireless speakers with a headphone jack to accomplish the same objective. Can anyone make any suggestions?
wow, ive never heard of anyone doing that before, you ever heard of just getting some headphones and buy a £1 audio extension cable, lol. For wireless speakers your looking at what, like minimum of £60, whereas a decent pair of headphones and cable will cost what... £15 max....

I figured this would be a pretty tall order. My problem is, I listen to baseball games in the US while I fall asleep, and falling asleep with headphones is tough for me to do. I guess I could get an extension cable for my speaker and run it from another room. If I can't find exactly what I am looking for, I guess that is my next best option. Either that or I could get rid of my wife. Actually hang on a second...

No. I went and asked her, and she said that is not an option either. I am running out of ideas.

Thanks for responding!
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i think that you might be able to find a pair of stereo speakers that link together (one speaker plugs into the other) and they also have a headphone socket on, but those sort of speakers are old.

on the other hand if you did find some all you would need is an SPDIF extension cable and link it to the output on the back of your soundcard / mobo :D

- as of the moment wireless speakers are pointless and expensive, you will also need a power supply to power them. - each one dont forget!

hope this helps
why dont you just get a pair of wireless headphones, remove the speakers from the headset, and put that under your pillow?