Using one computer to control a remote computer


New Member
I am wondering if this is possible and then what would be required to do it.

I am located in the Philippines on a dial-up computer and want to connect
to my daughter's computer (cable-internet) in the USA.

I want to be able to utilize her high-speed connection to download files and
store them on her computer.

An example would be: Have her computer connect to Rapidshare, letting me
control it, then download a file to her hard drive. All this would be controlled
from my computer in the Philippines, but her computer would be the one
actually downloading the file.

Any suggestions? Is it possible?

I wouldn't recommend trying to control any computers via dial up.

If anything just use the basic remote desktop in windows if you want to give it a try.. I don't think you'll be able to do it on dial up..

I may be wrong..
I dont think this will be a pleasant experiance with dial-up either...but its possble i suppose...


You could use Remote Assistance, which will allow your daughter to see what you are doing on screen. She will also be able to send messages to you as you do it, and vice-versa.

To use remote assistance, you could both download msn messenger from and create accounts, add each other to your contact lists and use msn to connect. When in an msn chat window, simply go to ACTIONS-->request remote assistance and that will work fine....ORRRR instead of msn messenger...get your daughter to do the following: go to start, all programs, remote assistance. Then, go to "invite someone to help you" get her to type YOUR email address into the box below and that will send an email request. You will get the email, then follow the instructions to use remote assistance.

As i said, you WILL NEED XP on both computers for this to work.

EDIT: I just read over what you said again. The reason you want to do this is kind of not worth while. You said you want to utilize her high speed connection. If this is for your own purposes i dont think this will work out like you planned. Anything you download will be stored on HER computer and is only accessable to you when you are connected remotely. So if you wanted to download music for example, it would be on her computer only. If you wanted to listen to that music, (which im not even sure you can do with remote assistance) it wouldnt work, beacuase it would have to stream to your computer, which is only connected to hers through dial up.

So, the reason you want this for will not work out for you. I left my instructions on how to do remote assistance up for you though incase you just want to try it for other reasons.

Hope this helps...
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if you are saying you just want to control her computer to download certain files, can't you just send her a list of files that you want, this would be far easier andsimpler for the two fo you
Thanks everyone. Lee101, I did send her a list, but she claims to be busy and
you know how that is. I will be returning to the USA in March, so hopefully the
files will still be available, if my daughter can't get around to downloading them.

Yes, I only wanted to "instruct" her computer to download files, and store them
on her computer, until my return. I have looked at realvcn and logmein.

Thanks again for quick and informative replies.