USB to Ethernet *Please Help*


New Member
I have a netgear wireless router and an Epson Stylus printer. All the computers in my house are wirelessly connected to the internet through my router. At the moment, at the moment they can only print if the computer the printer is connected to is turned on. I know how to fix this, i can plug it straight into the router, but i have one problem. My printer has no Ethernet port in the back of it:eek: . I have looked around the net and have found numerous Ethernet to USB convertors, but I cannot seem to find a USB to Ethernet convertor:mad: . Does anyone know if they are available:confused: , is there another solution?

It's called a print server ;) Though I wouldn't reccomend one. I have heard they aren't that great. Read up on reviews, try and fine one that clearly states it's compatable with your printer if you must get one.
It's called a print server ;) Though I wouldn't reccomend one. I have heard they aren't that great. Read up on reviews, try and fine one that clearly states it's compatable with your printer if you must get one.

I agree I have Linksys Printer server and I have had nothing but issues with it.
There has always been a problem with networking and USB devices... The weird ones just keep coming!
Forget the print server, just keep using windows easy network wizard to find the printer and leave the computer on connected to the printer most of the time. If you need to turn it off, do so. Free vs. paying $$ for a print server is not worth it.
Forget the print server, just keep using windows easy network wizard to find the printer and leave the computer on connected to the printer most of the time. If you need to turn it off, do so. Free vs. paying $$ for a print server is not worth it.
Except for that little issue of electricity not being free, thus meaning you pay whatever, and a desktop PC will cost more to run than a print server, so with the print server you may have to make a large payout to begin with, but you will save in the long term