USB ports stopped working


Recently, my laptop, which was my brothers and is 4 years old, locked up and stopped working. I figured it overheated, since it was on, and i did not have the cooling pad on it at the time. when you went to turn it on, you could hear everything powering up, but nothing beyond that. a few weeks later, my uncle looks at it, and it worked fine. Now the problem is that every USB stopped working. If I plug something in, a box appears saying "USB Device Not Recognized" I have tried every port, and multiple devices (mouse, phone, and camera) But it will charge anything that is plugged in. The cooling pad powers on, and my phone started charging. Any ideas on what it could be?
To clarify the charging business, USB has 4 wires, 2 data and +5V supply and ground. When you plug a device in, USB will charge the device with the 5V. To get the device working, you need the data connection to work, which yours is not doing.

If you go into Device Manager, are there any errors flagged in the USB section?