Hey everyone, at the moment I have a Westell 327W router that we have verizon dsl. In my status, it says I am running at 100mbps on this downstairs computer. On my desktop computer upstairs I am using a Linksys SpeedBooster 802.11g Wireless Desktop Card Model: WMP54GS so I am only operating at 54mbps. I want to increase that because I want faster internet and especially because I am into playing online multiplayer games like Battlefield 2. I was wondering if all I need to do is upgrade the wireless desktop card or do I or do you think I should upgrade the router also?
If I need to upgrade the router will either of these work:
D-Link Wireless 108G Gaming Router with GameFuel Technology
Model: DGL-4300
D-Link RangeBooster N Wireless-N Router
Model: DIR-625
Now onto the Wireless Desktop Cards:
D-Link Platinum RangeBooster Wireless-N Desktop Card
Model: DWA-542
D-Link Xtreme N Wireless-N Desktop Card
Model: DWA-552
Is D-Link a good name for networking compared to say Linksys because thats what I have at the moment and I am going to college for networking next year so I want to take on this challenge of getting the network faster. Sorry for the long post, but if you could help out in any way it would be greatly appreciated!
If I need to upgrade the router will either of these work:
D-Link Wireless 108G Gaming Router with GameFuel Technology
Model: DGL-4300
D-Link RangeBooster N Wireless-N Router
Model: DIR-625
Now onto the Wireless Desktop Cards:
D-Link Platinum RangeBooster Wireless-N Desktop Card
Model: DWA-542
D-Link Xtreme N Wireless-N Desktop Card
Model: DWA-552
Is D-Link a good name for networking compared to say Linksys because thats what I have at the moment and I am going to college for networking next year so I want to take on this challenge of getting the network faster. Sorry for the long post, but if you could help out in any way it would be greatly appreciated!