upgrading my computer


New Member
I want to upgrade my laptop, but don't know what I should upgrade on it. I'm looking for some input please. My laptop specs are: dell xps L501x, 4gb ram, 64bit operating system windows7, 2 core processor, 451gb hard drive(320free), nvidia geforce GT 420, 1696mb available graphic mem(64mb dedicated), monitor resolution 1366x768, directx 10. My computer scores are 6.9 processer-Intel core i5 m460@ 2.53GHz-, 5.9 4gb ram, 4.5 graphics-intel HD graphics, 6.5 gaming graphics- 1696mb available-, 5.9 primary hard drive 320gb free out of 451gb-
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What do you use the laptop for? How much are you willing to spend?

Easiest thing to upgrade would be RAM. Looks like you can upgrade to 8GB of 1600 RAM.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...00410 600000401&IsNodeId=1&name=8GB (2 x 4GB)

Besides that, hard drive would be the next easiest. It's a 7200RPM so its better than most laptops. You could get an SSD, but those are expensive for a little bit of space compared to a regular HDD.

Any other upgrade, like the processor, would require opening the laptop and basically voiding the warranty.