formerly liuliuboy
So I decided that my computer could use a slight upgrade. I'll probably buy the parts this Thanks Giving. Right now I'm deciding between an SSD or a new graphics card. Budget is ~$200. Which one should I do?
New graphics card.
SSD prices are going to take a nosedive in the near future. I would hold off on buying one until that happens.
Agree!! They will drop in price
As for the graphics I recommend a 5850 instead. That will be more future proof
How much does the 5850 cost? If it's around $200 I would consider it.
Haha, good, I didn't even read the comments and I knew it'd be 4890.
If you want to be all pricy and stuff, then maybe this if you really want DX11: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161306
Haha, good, I didn't even read the comments and I knew it'd be 4890.
If you want to be all pricy and stuff, then maybe this if you really want DX11: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161306
But the 4890 consistently beats the HD 5770 in every test out there.
I'll see what I can muster for a budget, maybe it can push the $250's. With the 5850 paired up with a stock Q6600 and 4GB of ram, do you think I can max out games like GTA4 and COD modern warfare 2?
Eek DX10.1 !!
GPU over SSD any day of the week. The benefit from a SSD is is minimal.
Also I have heard mixed reviews with the 5770....I hear its BETWEEN the 4870 and the 4890 (which would be horrible if its true) I hear the only REAL benefit to the 5570 is the fact it uses less power so less heat. So perhaps you can overclock it farther.
I believe a 5850 can max out any game
You mean 5750? There is no 5570
i wouldnt get a 5 series until they get to 5850 or 5870.
a 4890 is a better choice!
as for the SSD option....they are not worth it...graphics card all teh way!