Unknown brand..........Help wanted !


New Member

I'm new on this forum. I'm from Holland, so pardon for my bad language.
A few weeks ago i bought a IBM Thinkpad laptop on a bargain market. My girlfriend's dad gave me a PCMCIA card type 1, but he forgot the brand.
So, the only way to connect this old laptop to the net is by this card, but i can get the driver, cause i don't know the brand. I searched by the product number, but then even the possibilities are endless. I don't know if there is software to identify this card (SiSoft and AIDA32 didn't help).
If someone can help me out, and remember this card, or knows which brand it could be, it would be wonderful.
Here are 2 photos:

Thanks already !

Tijmen :cool:
1. Is there any way that you can re-insert it in the previous computer it was used in.... the drivers should still be installed then you just open Device Manager and it will tell you the Manufacture & model.

2. If not, you could try a search by the FCC ID number. FCC ID Search Page go to this page and search on any numbers you can see on the card.. are there any engraved/indented in the side? The search, if sucsesful will give you the manufacture/company that registered the device.

3. If you have any friend that have computers running Windows XP, ask if you can plug the card in and see if it auto detects it... then write down the details from device manager.

4. You could try searching for and testing similar drivers from Driver Guide you will need to join the site first... no fee to join.