Ubuntu Rythmbox library update issue


New Member
Hello everyone.

Don't know if anyone will be able to suggest anything for this but no-one has replied to my post on Ubuntu Forums.

Everytime I open Rythmbox my library deletes itself (song by song) and then re-finds them all. It takes about 5 minutes and is really annoying as it sends my CPU usuage right up. However, as soon as I click to play a song it stops the deletion and then starts to re-find the songs it had removed!

My music is on a second HDD, which is a slave on IDE cable. It shows up as soon as I turn the computer, called 'My Music' (what I named it). I have set the library to this drive and tried it with the 'check for new files' ticked and unticked.

Any suggestions...? It's not life threatening but I would like to know why! Cheers, Doug.