Two questions about my speakers/headset


New Member
Alright, I have a headset but no front panel ports to plug my headset into and the only port in the back is taken up by my speakers. What I have done is put a splitter back there and connected both the headset and the speakers up to the splitter and the audio voice output into the voice port. Also, when I try to talk into the microphone and listen to the recording (to make sure it works) it gives me huge static squeaky noise with no human sounds whatsoever.

Question 1: Is that bad that I connected the splitter?
Question 2: How do I fix the microphone problem?

Thanks :)
Turn down the volume on your mic, and keep it away from the headphones/speakers. Your speakers don't have a headphone port?

BTW, reverb is a powerful thing, it can take room/road/the tiniest noise and reverberate it 10 fold on you (hence the high pitched noise that makes your head want to explode). Keep your mic away from the speakers, or buy a quality mic.
How do headsets work? Do they have 2 mini jacks coming off them, one to be plugged into the output and one for the mic input? I've never used them.

You can split an output as many times as you want, makes no difference.