trying to get internet to many computers


New Member
i recently transfer from DSL to COX CABLE..and with my dsl all i had to do was plug the eathernet cable to my second computer to let it have internet. and as for wireless, all i had to do was type in the bar code on the bottom of my DSL box and then my laptop would have wireless..but my CABLE doenst work like that!! i have a Moterella Surfboard CAble Box that i bought for 80 dollars. I can only have internt on one computer which really sucks. When i tried installing it on my other computer it said that it couldn't refresh the IP or seomthing.. so anyways i was thinking about buying a router but i dont know what kind of router will work. I have a laptop and 3 computers in my home and i want them to have internt. i'll prob use wireless for my laptop and have the compters connected by eathernet cable. does anyone know what kind of router i should get??
Go look at prices... i got a Belkin multifunction, so i can use the cord and wireless. I would stick to name brands, linksys, belkin, sms etc.. Dont spend more than $60.. I paid $30 and I am happy. No problems.