Trying to figure out what went wrong..


Active Member
Okay so I got my power supply replaced and then I put everything together again. The cables and wires appeared to all be in the right spot, with all fans running off the psu and not the motherboard. I turned on the computer and nothing showed up on the monitor, the psu stopped, some of the case fans stopped spinning, and the cpu cooler fans were working.

The dvd and hard drive did not light up. I'm trying to figure out what went wrong since this is a brand new psu that did appear fully functional the first startup. Also, I accidentally put the wrong cable into the 8 pin atx on the mobo, so i'm thinking it could have been fried. I'm trying to now figure out what needs replacing before it will work again. I need help narrowing it down.
Also, I accidentally put the wrong cable into the 8 pin atx on the mobo, so i'm thinking it could have been fried. I'm trying to now figure out what needs replacing before it will work again. I need help narrowing it down.

Dont see how you could have really done that. The 8 pin CPU power connector and the 8 pin PCIe power connector are not keyed the same. Will not fit.
For whatever reason it doesn't appear to be giving enough power to things. Should I replace or wait for an rma? Could it be a different component?
On the original one the fan stopped spinning, whereas now the fan starts and then stops. Anything powered by the motherboard isn't spinning up either. I was told by several others both here and elsewhere on an earlier post that the wrong plug went into the 8pin atx, and that fried the board. Things seem to respond when I press the start button on the board and the power on the case, but only the things not running off of motherboard power.

So my main questions are:

1. what failed
2. should I buy a new part, or wait for rma?
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