Trobule with Memory issues...

Buy-it PC

New Member
I know two heads are better than one, and more is better than two...

So, I got a question on a problem I have very little knowledge of the situation at hand which is causing a memory problem from a server Windows 2000.

It's dental medical records that are images which now can not pull up due to some error about server memory being too low.

I do know this, there's at least 1.5GB of RAM on the server... from what my customer has told me.

I am going to check it out this afternoon, and read back on the post here on any responses from anyone on CF (Computer Forum) as to what anyone thinks could be the problem with the server not pulling up the file.

What I've been told, is that it's effected all the workstations, none of them can fetch the image file up without the error message popping up.

Any advice I am open to listen too.
Anything about a paging file? Could be too small?

I'm actually here typing on the server as we speak, the drive has at least two partitions and the "C" drive is full.. with very little space left on "D" he creates many image files for patients which is probably his problem... it appers the Event Log shows severity critical of memory... and pages input does pop up with errors of cache being a problem too. Error code WMI.

I think replacing or adding a new drive should do the trick?

Any inputs?
still trouble with memory

It appears the server is a Compaq Xeon with (2) SCSI HDD at 34GB each... one which is where the primarily drive of the OS is max. The second is almost there.

Does anyone know how far max the BIOS will see as a hdd goes?

For example, would it see a 147GB SCSI (68pin) drive or should we just stick a 73GB drive in instead?