tracker on all tech?


i was talking to a friend week ago and we were talking about the new 360
that came out and he told me that the new 360 have about the power of a
supercomputer and the goverment didn't what some people run around with
out a way of tracking them i just what to ask if they do that to all tech so
if someone use the tech to hack it wood be easy to track you with in min
of you starting hack something. Wood they be able to frozen your computer
and copy files off your computer without you know there do it i know they
the Goverment have some way of watching people on online flaging them if
they look up site that tell how to do different thing they flag you and watch
what you go to after that to see if they need to talk act
Supercomputers are huge. The 360 is nowhere near powerful like a super computer.
i just asking about the tracking the friend said that if you reprogram the 360 and use
to hack into anything with there was something build in to 360 to track you or it destory
the systems so you can't use it for hacking and all the new in last two or 3 years is there
something like for them to use to track you or destory the computer your useing
you can use any system for hacking. those claims are ridiculous.
The only thing i think you could possibly mean is that if you hack your xbox to use homebrew software and hence pirated games microsoft can track you and ban you from x box live, permanently.

If the above is not what your friend mean't then he is either playing a joke on you, or a bit of an idiot.

Supercomputers are huge. The 360 is nowhere near powerful like a super computer.

To back this up I'm pretty sure that an average desktop is more powerful than a 360.
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To back this up I'm pretty sure that an average desktop is more powerful than a 360.

Yeah, desktops are definitely more powerful than 360's. Just look at GTA IV on both machines, the draw distance and quality on the 360 is awful compared to the PC version. Though, considering the price of 360's, you are getting a pretty decent system for the money.

The whole super-computing anti hacking stuff sounds like a load of garbage. Like innercx said Microsoft do crack down on people modifying the consoles to play pirated games and such, however the measures they take have no effect on your console whatsoever, it simply bans your xbox live account from going live/playing games online. I read a news article the other day where they claimed to have banned over 700,000 xbox live accounts due to this reason. Maybe your friend was one of them? :p
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wait a minute though. if they could manage to connect all the 360s out there and combine their processing power...

i agree that MS will ban your console if you 'hack' IT. people mod their systems to play pirated games, MS can make it so you can't play online with those systems & games.