Toshiba Salleite M65 and no wireless


Well-Known Member
Gave to my daughter years ago. Loaded, burner etc has home on it, and wireless does not work. Cat 5 works fine but needs the wireless. Took the card out, cleaned the contacts and remounted and no go. Did a wipe and new installation because i was tired of playing with it and same problems. Device manager has no issues. Funny thing is i can see the all connections just fine. Maybe 6 connections. Try to connect with key and will not connect. Encryption key is fine. thats not it. Any other option or something i might be overlooking?

turned off the firewall, no virus program installed yet in case ya ask. Want to give to a grand child that would love it if i can get it working.
Turn off security on the router and then try connecting. If it connects, then its a security issue. Also, if this is an older laptop, then its possible you will need to lower the security on the router as maybe the laptop's wireless card doesn't support the higher security.
Ok.........ill check into that. It didn't work at her house. I have to figure out how to get into the AT&T Uverse cable box that is also a router. I hope your right. that would be nice and at least its an idea and thought. Thanks John.

Lighter side im going in the bush in Northern Canada next week. I will fish for pike and walleye and salmon. Cut down a small baseball bat (pike club) in case its a big pike. Look like alligators when they open there mouth. Also for bear or links if you run into a school of them. Taking snowtrain to Eton, bush plain will pick us up and fly us on a 450 Beaver pontoon plane to Wabatong. Love the adventure though. Just like this cell phone i have. A gift from family. Its like Christmas for me with family.
Its a Atrix 4G Android. $35.00 a month. get internet, GPS etc. life is good.
And taking my camera. Will learn how to use the camera and prepare for the trip overseas. If its not canceled because of conditions.