Too Too Loud...


New Member
Having a Dell laptop is great. The only problem is, i have to down the sound volume to bar1 or my earsdrums will burst when using earphones. Even in WMP, I set the volume to min, and the sound is still too loud. Does anyone know how to permanently shift the sound control volumes to the lower end of the spectrum?
In the windows volume control there are two sliderbars to control the master volume, "volume control" and "wave". Double click on the taskbar volume icon and if wave isn't sat right next to volume control click options & properties and check it. You can put this wave volume down as low as you want to balance everthing out, and then fiddling with the default volume is a lot easier.

Yeah, I put everything down to bar1. But it's still too loud. I guess ill have to put everything down to 1/2 bar from 0 then...