The Best Internet


Does anyone know where abouts the fastest internet in the world is and how fast that is?

And whats the fastest internet available in Australia?

feel free to let us know how fast your internet is!

I think Japan is cracking 100MBit/1Gbit already. Australia depends where you are I'd imagine. Par exemple you'll get dial up in the sticks and fibre optic in the cities.
Well the fastest private one that i know of is in Europe at 40 gbps but idk if someone has something better now xD
Well the fastest private one that i know of is in Europe at 40 gbps but idk if someone has something better now xD
i remember reading about that in the news paper!!!
the funny part is apparently its an elderly lady or something lol. I think her son organised it lol.

and just an off topic question...

when doing quotes how do you get the "orignally posted by example123"
korea has the fastest public internet. They have residential downlaod speeds of up to 68 mb/s i think. correct me if im wrong.
I work for one of the top 5 Cable MSO in the US. we have speeds at 60M/bs in certin cities over copper.. using Dosics 3.0
japan is set to offer a up to 1Gbs connection it may have already started doing so
not sure if contention ratio will play part at all but still that is fast
but at the moment on average does looks like korea is the fastest according to to